Setting the Scene

So, here we are. Welcome, dear reader. I’m not really sure how you got to be here, reading this now, as my intention wasn’t particularly to have an audience of anyone other than myself. And really, here isn’t even a place yet as, when I write this, this website hasn’t even been built. Actually I’m writing this on my phone, which will eventually get backed up to my computer, which will then make its way onto this website–but again, it hasn’t been built yet. More on that later though.

Where was I? Oh, yes, hello! Welcome and all that stuff.

I guess since you’re here, my imaginary interlocutor (that’s my big word for the day–proof I did pay attention in school, or at the very least, read a lot of books that have big words), I should do some housekeeping and explain things. I’m not sure what you’re expecting out of this but I can let you in on what I’m planning on doing here. At least what I’m planning right now, and as this website hasn’t been built yet all this could change. If it does change I could rewrite this entry, but it’s flowing so well I’d hate to have to edit myself. So, for now, you’re stuck with my ideas, such as they are.

I conceived of this website as a place to accomplish several things. One, pay homage to my home bar. Two, record some ideas about what I’m currently reading or thinking. And three, to test out some new website-editing ideas. I figured why not combine all those three things into one nifty project! And here we now are! I have to say though that I do find the whole project a wee bit amusing–and as I haven’t really even begun it yet makes me start to wonder why I’m doing it in the first place.

You see, paying homage to my home bar seems straight forward, but to be honest I don’t really drink that much. I drink socially and will force myself to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner if I know there’s alcohol that needs used up, but frankly I usually forget to pour that drink when dinnertime comes around. And, whilst my home bar is an actual physical space within my house, typically it serves as a grandiose walk through on my trips to the laundry room, which is located behind it.

And this idea of jotting down notes about what I’ve been reading is also a bit ridiculous. I hate writing book reviews. I think it stems from my undergraduate days as an English Lit student. Having spent a lot of time reading way too many essays about what other people think about books has really turned me off the whole thing. And to go with that, since entering sequesterdom/self-isolation/quarantine (I’m referring to the whole Covid-19 thing if you’re reading this well beyond when it was written), I haven’t even really read anything prior to today. I was rereading a fantastic steampunk YA series, but since I stopped commuting to work, and have been super busy with said work, I haven’t felt like reading or listening to anything. Then something changed today, I downloaded a new audiobook, and I’ve been merrily listening away. That change is actually what prompted this whole endeavor.

So really, The only really valid reason for creating this is the whole trying out new website ideas thing. That is actually true. I’m a middling web designer at best, though I somehow found myself in control of four different websites. This site, then, is a place where I can test out ideas in safety rather than radically altering (and possibly crashing) some poor organization’s online presence.

So with all that said, again welcome! I’m assuming since you are reading this that I did finally begin building this site. More over, I’m assuming that this blog post has passed muster, been (mostly) edited, and is now live. Go me! And with that said, I think I’ve written more than enough for an initial post and so should close it up and get it published. I hope you enjoy your time here and, if nothing else, you were slightly entertained. Thanks for reading!

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